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“Sweat now for pizza later”

About Me

Elli’s class is about pushing you to the limits 🔥  long repetitions, challenging exercises, amazing mix of strength and cardio and a super “flow-y” class. The burn afterwards lets you know that not a single muscle was left untouched

Intensity level: 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪

How did your fitness journey start?

When I moved to a very remote part of Australia there was literally nothing other than paved roads and trails to run on. That’s how I fell in love with running, cycling and got introduced to the gym. After a while I noticed how much my mindset changed and that sports became my antidote to feeling stressed or anxious. Teaching others has become even more rewarding.

What does Train&Tone and exercise mean to you?

Train&Tone creates the perfect balance between exercise and enjoyment for me. The body feels strengthened, nourished and activated after a session and I look forward to it every time! It captures how the best form of exercise is centred on listening to your body and becoming aware of where your strengths and weaknesses are.

What’s your favorite food?

Pizza *surprise* but I also love sushi, and pasta and pastries and …. I could honestly go on forever because food is my religion.

What do you do, if you’re not working out?

If I am not working out, I’ll either be working, cooking, hiking, laughing or cuddling my dogs while binging a very odd selection of netflix shows. 

Elli's Classes

Elli’s classes are taught in English and offer variations for each exercise – everyone is welcome!

Find Elli's Classes on our Schedule

We are more than just a workout. We are a community that will encourage you to be fit,
healthy and feel happy in your own skin.

Elli's Spotify Playlists

Our Trainers

Contact Us

Färbergasse 6 1010 Vienna.

+43 660 6859476


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