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"Sometimes a good workout is all the therapy you need."

About Me

Melanie, is the definition of „Good Vibe“ workout. Her heart warming personality turns her workout into the perfect pick me up. Her background as a professional dancer marks her workout, she has the perfect combination of dance and pilates. Her workout will not only leave ever muscle burning, but it will also leave a smile on your face.

Intensity level: 💪 💪 💪

How did your fitness journey start?

My fitness journey started when I was three years old when I started dancing.
Ever since working out and moving my body has been a really important part in my everyday life.

When I stopped dancing professionally I did not really know what other kinds of sports I liked, so I tried a lot of different styles of workouts. Which led me to T&T and their great philosophy. I always loved motivating other people and find a workout that is possible for everyone.

What does Train&Tone and exercise mean to you?

Train and Tone for me is combining a full-body workout with the music I love.
Like a little dance on the mat 😉

In general exercising is my self – care, my time to unwind and focus on myself.

What’s your favorite food?

Hmmm,.. since I am a foodie that’s a hard one. Pizza is pretty high up on the list, same as sushi and mexican food (including margaritas 😉).

What do you do, if you’re not working out?

If I am not working out, I am either working or spending time with the people I love. 

Melanie's Classes

Melanie’s classes are taught in English, offering variations for each exercise – everyone is welcome!

Find Melanie's Classes on our Schedule

We are more than just a workout. We are a community that will encourage you to be fit,
healthy and feel happy in your own skin.

Melanie's Spotify Playlists

Our Trainers

Contact Us

Färbergasse 6 1010 Vienna.

+43 660 6859476


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